Your Best
with Your Health

Strengthen your health. Walk by the Spirit.
In community.  For God's Kingdom.


Self Over Service

The world operates on a self-serving philosophy, using health as a tool for selfish ambitions—whether to glorify oneself or for financial gain. This mindset distorts the purpose of health into something that serves the self above all else.

Health Industry

The health industry sees both sickness and wellness as profit opportunities. Every product, drug, and procedure is a chance to sell something. But God designed health to be cultivated, like a garden—not bought and sold for profit.

Artificial Solutions

The world markets drugs, supplements, and procedures as quick fixes for health. But like covering a deep wound without treating the cause, they mask the problem instead of solving it. Health becomes about appearance and numbers, not real well-being.

Instant Gratification

The world chases fast results, ignoring long-term consequences. Health is marketed for speed and convenience, even when it leads to harm. The pursuit of shortcuts sacrifices what is truly good for what is immediately easy.

Health as a Business

Wellness and illness are turned into profit opportunities. When money drives health, true care is lost—just as when the eye is unhealthy, the whole body is full of darkness.


Wellness with a Purpose

The Word’s way is not self-serving but rooted in love—health is a gift, and the body is a temple. It is meant to be cared for, strengthened, and used to serve God, not self. When we care for our body, mind, and spirit, we align with His purpose, equipping us to love, work, and do good.

Caring for Your Health

Caring for your body, mind, and spirit is an act of worship. It shows gratitude for what God has entrusted to you.

Natural Practices

Health thrives when we follow God’s design—whole foods, movement, rest, and trust in Him. These build lasting wellness.

Patience and Cultivation

Health, like faith, requires patience and steady effort. We are called to tend to what God has given us, trusting His strength for what we cannot control.

Medicine Has Its Place

Medicine and supplements help when truly needed, but they are not the foundation of health. God provides better ways—nourishing food, movement, prayer, gratitude, Scripture, and community. These should come first. Medicine is a blessing but was never meant to replace daily care.



For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

- Romans 1:20


Jesus Christ

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

- Coloassians 1:15-17



And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

- John 14:16-17


Spirit Filled Health

Discover content that equips you to care for your health—body, mind, and spirit—so you can reflect God's image and live fruitfully.

SFH Cinematics

Scripture, music, and visuals woven together to bring biblical themes to life.

SFH Lessons

Concise, impactful teaching to help you grow in body, mind, and spirit.

SFH Community

A place to grow, encourage, and be challenged in faith and health.

A Garden to Cultivate

God designed us to care for what He entrusts to us, just as Adam was given the garden to work and keep. Your health—physical and spiritual—is like a garden. It requires effort, care, and intention to thrive. When you cultivate your health, you reflect God's image and become better equipped to serve, love, and live with purpose.


The First 3 Pursuits

Your body is a gift from God—meant to be cared for, strengthened, and used for His purpose. It is a temple, entrusted to you. Eating whole foods fuels you, training makes you strong, and resting well restores you. When you care for your health wisely, you have the strength to serve, love, and live as God designed.


The Next 3 Pursuits

Following Jesus, loving as He loved, and renewing your mind with His truth leads to a life of wisdom, peace, and purpose. The world pulls you in many directions, but when you seek Him first, everything is set in its right place.


The 7th Pursuit

The world measures success by wealth, status, and possessions, but God has a different standard. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. True success is found in bearing the fruit of the Spirit, loving others, and storing up treasures that will last.


Eat Whole Foods

Most of today’s food isn’t real—it’s ultra-processed, addictive, and designed to keep you eating more while giving your body less. These foods are packed with preservatives, chemicals, and refined sugars that make people sick while making corporations rich. But God designed our bodies to thrive on real food. Prioritize whole foods—meat, organic fruits, vegetables, and nuts. These nourish, sustain, and strengthen you, fueling you to live with purpose.


Train Your Body

Many live sedentary lives and eat artificial foods—leading to obesity, diabetes, and disease. But God designed our bodies to move. Training with cardio, resistance, and daily movement builds strength—not just for ourselves, but to serve and love others well. Taking care of our health isn’t vanity; it’s honoring what God has given us so we can reflect His image and be a blessing.


Rest Well

The world tells us to hustle endlessly, driven by fear and anxiety. But real rest comes from trusting God, not striving. True rest means pausing, keeping the Sabbath, and worshiping. It also means caring for our bodies through sleep. When we trust God, we gain the energy, peace, and clarity to do what matters most.


Follow Jesus

The world is full of experts, influencers, and self-help gurus, but no one compares to Jesus. He is full of grace and truth. Following Him means denying ourselves, laying down selfish ambition, and seeking God’s will above all else. It’s not about building our own lives, but serving God and others. Through Jesus, we see the Father’s character, experience His love, and learn what it truly means to live.


Love Like Jesus

Christianity isn’t about status, politics, or success—it’s about love. Jesus said His followers would be known by their love for one another. The world has its own ideas about faith, but Jesus showed us the truth: love isn’t just a feeling; it’s action. He served, sacrificed, and lived with humility. To follow Him is to love like Him—revealing God’s character through our words and deeds.


Renew Your Mind

The world fights for your attention—social media, news, and entertainment all competing to fill your mind. But God calls us to something better. Instead of conforming to the noise, He calls us to renew our minds with His truth. When we fill our hearts with His Word, we gain clarity, wisdom, and peace. As we focus on what is good, we are transformed—walking in love, joy, and self-control, living by the Spirit instead of being led by the world.


Bear Good Fruit

The world measures success by wealth and status, but God calls us to a different kind of fruitfulness. True fruit isn’t material—it’s the transformation of our hearts. When we walk by the Spirit, we bear love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and goodness. Our greatest impact isn’t in what we own, but in how we love, serve, and do good. The fruit that lasts is a life surrendered to Him.


A Health Community

In a world that isolates, SFH Community offers connection, encouragement, and accountability. This is a place to grow in faith, health, and service to God and others. Together, we spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

Community Over Isolation

The world keeps people isolated behind screens, disconnected from others. SFH Community is a place to encourage, support, and grow together in faith and health.

Contribution Over Consumption

The world tells you to consume endlessly, but SFH Community calls you to contribute—sharing wisdom, encouraging others, and supporting one another in God's purpose.

Gratitude Over Discontent

The world fuels discontent and envy, always pushing for more. SFH Community helps us appreciate God’s blessings, grow in contentment, and strengthen our faith.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
–Matthew 6:26

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